Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Hey All,   I have learned that the old saying "what goes around comes around", happens more than we realize..  A form of justice and otherwise chaotic lives.........that seems random...... to come out of nowhere.  Anyone watching and that is aware of the details...........will tell you that this was far from random......especially when events and people come together to play out a part in their lifes' stories.   Parts only they can play to complete the story and regain balance...................a sort of poetic justice.
    Gus was assigned to 213th Aviation Co when he arrived in Korea.  He was a vehicle mechanic assigned to the motor pool with the rest of us.  He claimed to be from California and talked about how it was "the" only place to be from.  He was cocky and arrogant..........two qualities I had learned to distrust and dislike.  He was a PFC on arrival and after some time was promoted to SP4(CPL). He liked to brag about his last assignment............where he did and sold drugs and was very successful at it.  When CID law enforcement had evidence to arrest him............he turned himself in under an amnesty program that allowed drug users to get help.............without the fear of any  prosecution.   Yeah,  he loved the fact that he was so very smart...............smarter than almost everyone else.
       The motor SGT was SSG Ferguson...................a very fair, intelligent man who had been a motor SGT in his last assignment. We were short NCO's at the time so Gus was appointed "acting" SGT. for the work floor.........SP4 pay with a SGTs stripes and authority.   It went straight to his was a terrible mistake to give a guy like him any authority or power.  On one day after lunch, Gus and some of the other motor pool personnel had ridden back to work and left me behind to big deal, I could always use the exercise.  When I did get back, I returned to my desk for some paperwork that I needed for the afternoon.   I sat down and immediately felt a painful, electrical shock in my leg.  I stood up and had an arc of electricity shoot from fingers to the steel desk.........I stumbled backwards into my steel chair and an arc shot from chair to the back of my leg.   I then could hear the laughter coming from outside my door and I saw the wire that ran along the wall and was attached to my chair.   I had a temper flare...........I stormed out the door and I found in the face and still laughing, trying to catch his breath.  I forgot  my military bearing and started a verbal assault on his carelessness and lack of leadership.  He started yelling at me to remind me that he now outranked me..........I told him that I was leaving the motor pool.........I was abandoning my post............for fear of my safety.   In reality it was for both of our safety.........I was on the edge of reason and I had to get out of there before I acted on my anger.  I told Gus that he could explain why I wasn't there  to SSG Ferguson and the Motor Officer.   On the walk back to the barracks, SSG Ferguson was driving by me in a Jeep.  He pulled a U-turn and drove up, asking me where I was going. Still smoldering with rage,  I gave him the details.............he told me to have a smoke, calm down  and walk back to the motor pool.  He would have it taken care of by the time I got back.  It was like nothing happened........... Gus was let off the was just horseplay they said.  For me it was an attack on my person...................I don't like it when that happens. What if I was physically injured from those electric shocks?  Dangerous horseplay.
Many days later, I would ask Gus for help to get to the post gate(as relayed in the story 213th Avn).  He wouldn't help was only 1\4 mile.............the outcome was not so pleasant for me .........and some others.
         Time passed and the dust settled from these least on the surface.  I could still do my job and work with Gus in a professional manner.  I was eventually promoted to SP5/SGT..................and Gus went back to SP4/CPL. We continued to do our assigned jobs without any problems on the work floor.
I was assigned the job as a CP, which is Courtesy Patrol.  There aren't enough NCOs to accompany each MP patrol unit, so NCOs fro around post were randomly chosen to walk along.  CPs couldn't arrest anyone, but they were the "authority" on the patrol of lesser ranking MPs.  We walked through the bars were soldiers were relaxing...........some blowing off steam.  In one bar in particular, I felt a tug on my uniform at my chest..................then a beer bottle broke against the bar behind me,  showering me with glass......I wasn't severely  injured ........luckily.   We looked around but nobody knew who threw it.  We had just come into the dark bar from a brightly lit street............we couldn't see a thing.  We eventually continued our rounds of the bars...................when we were notified to return to a previous stop.  There was a fight a another patrol unit needed assistance.   We arrived in time to assist the other patrol in taking people into custody.   What do you know?   Gus was one of the first cuffed.   I stood guard over the men that were being brought out and when Gus saw me........................I was his long lost friend.  He tried to talk me into releasing him from his restraints and letting him walk..........................."sorry Gus. I can't do that"  But he had illegal drugs on him and in his system.................."I can't help you out with that Gus.  You know the Regs"  Why do you want to be like that man?  Were a brother out. 
    I wouldn't have violated my duty....................But, I couldn't help reminding Gus of the night I needed a hand..................... his response and the ensuing trouble I had..............." I guess what goes around,Gus, really does come back around".  I couldn't help myself.................I was smiling.    He told me he could knock me to the ground and run...............I reminded him that I knew who he was and where he lived.  Besides, I was one of the fastest runners in the Company.  He wasn't going to get far.
    Amazing isn't it?  Of all the nights................of all the was mine that took Gus into custody.  Gus was punished under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.  H was demoted from SP4 to PVT1................ dishonorably discharged .................and returned to civilian life. Karma some call it..........others refer to Gods hand....................whatever you believe............I don't believe in coincidences, not like this.
                              Until next time.............................Gos Bless.

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