Hey All, It is said that you can choose your friends but you can't choose your family. Anyone can see the obvious truth in this statement and many can relate to it.
The Beast was the the "Oldest" and reportedly had the umbilical cord
around his neck at birth He was a shade of blue because of this and as
the story is relayed, this detail has caused many of his problems. He had failed
1st Grade and was then put into special education. The "Middle" came
along 4 years after the Beast in 1961 and had the misfortune to be born
into this family.. The Mother turns out to be an alcoholic and the
father distances himself as far as he can from his wife without
divorce. The Middle was an unwelcomed addition for the Beast. He was
an only child, the center of attention since he can remember and now
this thing took it all away. What about him? As far as he was
concerned, he was the only one that mattered. He focused on this intruder......he would take care of him.
The first sign of trouble that the Middle can remember was when he was 2 years old. The Youngest was born in 1962 and his mother spent a lot of time with the him. The Beast took the Middle by the hand, while the mother was busy with the Youngest and took him into the living room.. The Middle was way to happy for the Oldest, he was even smiling at him now.............he was going to fix that. He stood him by the end of radiator near the door and put his hand on the Middles' forehead and and shoved. At impact, the Middle drew in a deep breath and let out a long wail because of the pain at the back of his head. The mother, baby in tow, came in the door along with her mother to see what the commotion was about. The Beast went over and stood to left rear of the mother when they came in. He had a wide smile of satisfaction on his face as the Middle had blood running from the wound on the back of his head and who could only point at him through his tears. The Middle was taken to the hospital and got stitches............this would be the beginning of a very long childhood for the Middle..................and the Youngest.
The Beast was enabled and protected by his parents and Grandparents and for many years. When he was caught doing bad things, no matter what they were...........there was no punishment. He would only be told to stop, no beatings like the others got, he was different, he didn't know anybetter. Bullshit! He tried to chop off the fingers of the Middle with a shovel, put a pin needle through a rubber dart and then shot him in the face just under his left eye. Then there were the many beatings that the Middle would receive from him over the years. Just to name a few. If he didn't know any better..........why would he alway instruct his victims not to tell? Maybe because he didn't want anyone to know of the bad things he was doing, but then he had to have known they were wrong.
I wish I could say that the Beast only attacked
with in the family..............but I know of at least two events that
involved people outside the family. Yes, it was abuse and these
attacks were on females, you can read into this and be correct. The Mother knew about these and in one instance................. blamed the female for what happened. Way to go woman.........blame the victim....... protect that piece of crap at the expense of anyone else. The father at least could claim ignorance for
these events as he remained in the dark about most of these events until his death. I have said this before..................the Beast of Norwyn Rd had no chain. no cage or master. A predator to be free to do as he wished with no fear of reprisal........................ today that piece of work would have been imprisoned. The Middle has great shame that people know he is related to the Beast.................................he's thankful for the friends that he has chosen and to the friends that have chosen him........................ you are more precious than gold.
Until Next time.........................God Bless.
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